Comment 18 for bug 554514

Revision history for this message
Minh Ha Duong (haduong) wrote :

Many useability bugs:
- The French localization strings orthographic issues "service...enregistrer" "assuez-vous"
- The error messages are not really helpful. I do not know what is "a resource agent", how and where to set "the XDG_DATA_DIRS environment variable", or how to check that it contains the Akonadi agents. Please someone provide a script.
- The official troubleshooting page says Nepomuk should be enabled in System Preferences/Advanced/Desktop search. That condition should be detected, and the information should be reminded where it matters (i.e. a warning when one is disabling Nepomuk on a system with Akonadi, and a warning when one is starting Akonadi on a system with Nepomuk disabled, with an option to start it.)

I hope the apparmor bugs have been fixed..