Comment 11 for bug 1842701

Revision history for this message
In , Horst Platz (hp-localhorst) wrote :

hi all,

mybe i found a kind of same problem. in my configuration i used
the balancer manager behind a proxy

|Bastian Host |
|Apache Proxy | -----------> LB Apache Balancer Manger

and i struggle in the problem with an update from Ubuntu 18.04
which i described in the following bug report

on localhost with lynx i figure out error log entrys with every
submit and no update from the load data etc.

:~# tail -f /var/log/apache2/management_error.log
[Wed Sep 04 12:28:58.249737 2019] [proxy_balancer:error] [pid 14669:tid 140254497400576] [client] AH10187: ignoring params in balancer-manager cross-site access
[Wed Sep 04 12:29:09.585221 2019] [proxy_balancer:error] [pid 14669:tid 140254623291136] [client] AH10187: ignoring params in balancer-manager cross-site access

i can reproduce this within debian 10

:~# apt-get install apache2

:~# dpkg -l | grep apache2
ii apache2 2.4.38-3+deb10u1
ii apache2-bin 2.4.38-3+deb10u1
ii apache2-data 2.4.38-3+deb10u1
ii apache2-utils 2.4.38-3+deb10u1

i download the prior version from the module and compile that version

:~# apxs2 -c -i mod_proxy_balancer.c

:~# systemctl restart apache2

:~# lynx
:~# elinks

i can use the balancer manager as expected without any error log entry

i compiled also that version from
but with no luck.

regards horst