Comment 4 for bug 1628295

Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

This bug was fixed in the package apparmor - 2.10.95-0ubuntu2.5

apparmor (2.10.95-0ubuntu2.5) xenial; urgency=medium

  * debian/lib/apparmor/functions, debian/apparmor.init,
    debian/apparmor.service, debian/apparmor.upstart,
    debian/lib/apparmor/profile-load: Adjust the checks that previously kept
    AppArmor policy from being loaded while booting a container. Now we
    attempt to load policy if we're in a LXD or LXC managed container that is
    using profile stacking inside of a policy namespace. (LP: #1628285)
  * Fix regression tests for stacking so that the kernel SRU process is not
    interrupted by failing tests whenever the AppArmor stacking features are
    backported from the 16.10 kernel or when the 16.04 LTS Enablement Stack
    receives a 4.8 or newer kernel
    - debian/patches/r3509-tests-fix-exec_stack-errors-1.patch: Fix the test when running on 4.8 or newer kernels (LP: #1628745)
    - debian/patches/r3558-tests-fix-exec_stack-errors-2.patch: Adjust the fix mentioned above to more accurately test kernels older
      than 4.8 (LP: #1630069)
    - debian/patches/allow-stacking-tests-to-use-system.patch: Apply this
      patch earlier in the series, as to match when it was committed upstream,
      so that the above two patches can be cherry-picked from lp:apparmor

 -- Tyler Hicks <email address hidden> Fri, 07 Oct 2016 05:21:44 +0000