Comment 4 for bug 1651623

Revision history for this message
Brian Murray (brian-murray) wrote :

The tests for artful are now failing for a different reason:

ERROR: test_add_gdb_info_abort_glib (__main__.T)
add_gdb_info() with glib assertion
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 852, in test_add_gdb_info_abort_glib
    self.assertTrue(pr['AssertionMessage'].startswith('ERROR:<stdin>:2:main: assertion failed (1 < 0):'),
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/collections/", line 989, in __getitem__
    raise KeyError(key)
KeyError: 'AssertionMessage'

I've spent some time digging into this and it seems "print __glib_assert_msg" is behaving differently and has been for a bit.