Comment 17 for bug 1582899

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Miriam EspaƱa Acebal (mirespace) wrote :


I came across this old bug while doing some clearance.

Xenial reached EOSS (End of Standard Support) so I'm afraid it can't be fixed. It is unfortunate that we were unable to resolve this defect, however, there appears to be no further action possible at this time because it's not a security bug. We are sorry that we do not always have the capacity to look at all reported bugs in a timely manner. There have been many changes in Ubuntu since the time you reported the bug and your problem may have been fixed with some of the updates.

As far as I could read in the thread, after a lot of research work (great @tj, thankyou!) and after some doubt as to whether it was the base installer or the live-installer that was the culprit here, the last suggestion was about live-installer. As it's already marked as "Incomplete" at the time I'm writing this, I'm going to mark "Incomplete" as well with respect to base-installer and initramfs-tools. If you consider it's happening still on Bionic or Focal (since Focal is lat time *-installer are present on the series) and you have more information that can shed light on this issue, please feel free to comment and to add it and mark again this bug as "New".