Comment 9 for bug 177243

Revision history for this message
era (era) wrote : Re: UbuntuME: Bash command completion puts backslash in front of beginning dollar sign

Actually, ignore the question about "complete -p bash", it's not relevant here.

But if you instead could try to run bash with verbose diagnostics on for a while, that might be useful.

The verbose diagnostics will spew out stuff on the terminal when you attempt completion, as well as when commands execute. You enable it with "set -vx" and turn it off with "set +vx".

Like this:

vnix$ set -vx
echo -ne "\033]0;${USER}@${HOSTNAME}: ${PWD/$HOME/~}\007"
++ echo -ne '\033]0;era@indeed: ~\007'

vnix$ echo $HOM<TAB>
vnix$ echo $HOME<RET>
+ echo /home/era
echo -ne "\033]0;${USER}@${HOSTNAME}: ${PWD/$HOME/~}\007"
++ echo -ne '\033]0;era@indeed: ~\007'

vnix$ cd $HOM<tab>
+ local 'IFS=
' 'cur=$HOM' i j k
+ [[ $HOM == ?(\\)\$* ]]
+ COMPREPLY=($( compgen -v -P '$' -- "${cur#?(\\)$}" ))
 compgen -v -P '$' -- "${cur#?(\\)$}"
++ compgen -v -P '$' -- HOM
+ return 0
vnix$ cd \$HOME<RET>
+ cd '$HOME'
bash: cd: $HOME: No such file or directory
echo -ne "\033]0;${USER}@${HOSTNAME}: ${PWD/$HOME/~}\007"
++ echo -ne '\033]0;era@indeed: ~\007'

vnix$ set +vx
set +vx
+ set +vx
