Comment 4 for bug 1014992

Revision history for this message
Burkhard Arenfeld (elektronik) wrote : Re: Ubuntu 12.04, i386, cannot use rfcomm as regular user. Permission denied.

Hello Christopher,
I updated my mainboard bios to the latest version as you advised me to do, but nothing changed.
Here the output of the command:
sudo dmidecode -s bios-version && sudo dmidecode -s bios-release-date


(At first I reset the suid bit of /usr/bin/rfcomm I made earlier by reinstalling the bluez package)

Then I made the following tests:

burki@orion:~$ hcitool scan
Scanning ...
 00:12:6F:08:98:FF GEO LE-71 00001

burki@orion:~$ rfcomm connect 1 00:12:6F:08:98:FF
<<< First time the pairing pin is requested by the bluetooth applet here >>>
Can't open RFCOMM device: Permission denied

burki@orion:~$ sudo rfcomm connect 1 00:12:6F:08:98:FF
[sudo] password for burki:
Connected /dev/rfcomm1 to 00:12:6F:08:98:FF on channel 1
Press CTRL-C for hangup

This is the same behaviour like before ...

(Note: I use the gnome desktop and not unity)