Comment 82 for bug 84591

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Vincent (vinnl) wrote : Re: feisty 20070210/herd5 persistent mode doesn't work

First of all: I'm writing this from my persistent USB, which worked after I typed "persistent" at the boot prompt, as you wrote.

I did realize I had forgotten to clear my casper-rw partition, so the theme looks a little bit odd and during boot up Xubuntu wanted to start MySQL which wasn't installed...

Anyway, it's great that you found a way to fix the problem. When I've booted into the normal system again I'll try using a newer version of syslinux.

Also, I found that the pendrivelinux tutorial was a bit unclear unless you already knew how to make it persistent. Is there anyone who could use a more extensive tutorial? If there is, please add a comment here then I'll write one.

Great work again Mike :)