Comment 8 for bug 487631

Revision history for this message
Imre Gergely (cemc) wrote :

I hope I understood correctly what you wanted to say above.

You shouldn't ever run clamav daemon as root.

How is your havp set up? By default havp uses the clamav library to scan for viruses, and NOT clamav daemon. Maybe this is why it's working, because it doesn't use clamav daemon.

Please check the permissions again:
1. run clamav daemon as clamav user (default)
2. copy a file to /tmp, make sure it has 0644 permissions (chmod 0644 /tmp/eicar.txt)
3. try to scan it: clamdscan /tmp/eicar.txt

This should work, and if it does it means clamav daemon is working ok.

Now do this:
4. change the permissions to 0640, chown <user>:<user> /tmp/eicar.txt (where <user> is a non-root user you have on the system)
5. scan again: clamdscan /tmp/eicar.txt

This time it shouldn't work, it should give you that 'permission denied' error.

Now try this:
6. usermod -a -G <user> clamav (where <user> is the above user's group)
7. restart clamav daemon, /etc/init.d/clamav-daemon restart (this is important)
8. scan again with clamdscan

This time it should work again.