Comment 28 for bug 435571

Revision history for this message
Srinivas Murthy (smurthygr) wrote :

Using Xubuntu 14.04, Conky. I use
CPU: ${color1}${hwmon 1 temp 1}°C ${color0}${goto 90}MB: ${color1}${hwmon 0 temp 1}°C ${alignr} ${color0}Fan: ${color1}${hwmon 0 fan 1} ${color0}RPM
to show cpu temp, system temp and fanspeed respectively. But every once in a while after rebooting (I shut down my system every day), hwmon 0 and hwmon 1 swap places and cputemp shows systemtemp and vice versa, fanspeed remains blank. If change hwmon 0 to hwmon 1 it works for some time and randomly on some reboot they again interchange.