Comment 50 for bug 874774

Revision history for this message
Robbert Korving (robkorv) wrote :

I just installed

and chose home encryption during the command-line installation. I get the same message "could not mount /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 M for manual S for skip" during boot. The only thing I did is "sudo tasksel install lubuntu-desktop".

Now I read here that it's fixed, but I can't see the solution between all the code.
Can somebody sum up the steps to manually fix this problem?

I'm familiar with sudo and vim and I'm looking for something like.
1. Use "sudo command --options"
2. Open "/etc/file-that-should-be-changed" and change "remove-bug=false" to "remove-bug=true"

It would help me and also the next person who googles this problem.
Thank you!