Comment 14 for bug 834174

Revision history for this message
Clint Byrum (clint-fewbar) wrote :

The patch contains two changes in behavior:

- cp /lib/libnss_* "${DESTDIR}/lib/"
+ LIBC_DIR=$(ldd /usr/sbin/dropbear | sed -n -e 's,.* => \(/lib.*\)/libc\.so\..*,\1,p')
+ for so in $(find "${LIBC_DIR}" -name 'libnss_compat*'); do
+ copy_exec "${so}"
+ done
+ echo 'passwd: compat' > "${DESTDIR}/etc/nsswitch.conf"

The first one, doing the copy_exec, looks good.

But that last line, echo passwd: compat to nsswitch.conf, looks like a totally unrelated and undocumented change.

Margarita, can you explain how this is related to the current bug? If its not truly related, either a new bug report needs to be opened documenting the fix's SRU worthiness, or the change needs to be removed. Either way, its likely this will need to be uploaded again.