Comment 6 for bug 121369

Revision history for this message
jeanseb (jeanseb-valette) wrote :

I've slove the probleme by hacking scriptt in an ugly way.
for /var/lib/dpkg/info/emdebian-tools.postinst
change line 123 like this
  && /^\s+release v=7.10,o=Ubuntu,a=(\w+),l=Ubuntu,c=main\s*$/) {
and line 134 add
$suite = "unstable";


and for /usr/share/perl5/Emdebian/
line 265
replace en get_suite like this :
sub get_suite()
        # list of suites supported by Emdebian toolchain repository.
        my @suites = qw/unstable testing stable sid etch/;
# hack for ubuntu user
# my $policy = `apt-cache policy 2>/dev/null | grep "l=Debian,c=main"`;
# croak ("Unable to determine apt-cache policy: $!") if (!$policy);
# $policy =~ /o=Debian,a=([a-z]*),l=Debian,c=main/;
# my $suite = $1;
        my $suite = "unstable";
        foreach my $s (@suites)
                # check the matched value is sensible.
                return $s if ($suite eq $s);
        $suite = &check_dist if ($suite eq "");
        return $suite;