Comment 1 for bug 34764

Revision history for this message
SuperDonkey (p-manuel) wrote :


Here is a possible solution. After this short HOWTO, I started Evolution 7 times and it stored the settings. Hope I solved the problem. I work with Kubuntu Breezy Badger 5.10 and evolution 2.4.1. I don't know wheather step 1 is needed or not. So try and error and make backups of your files!

1. go to /home/<username>/.evolution/mail/exchange/ and remove unused directories (old exchange accounts)
2. get gconf-editor
3. start "gconf-editor"
4. go to /apps/evolution/mail
5. search for "<drafts-folder>" and "<sent-folder>" in accounts (it seems to be a kind of html 'programming')
6. If you found the two entries, right-click on accounts -> edit -> delete the entry between <drafts-folder> and </drafts-folder> as well as the entry between <sent-folder> and </sent-folder>
7. Start Evolution
8. Repeat step 1, now in the two fields should be written sth. like "specify your..."

Hope that will help!
