Comment 6 for bug 134360

Revision history for this message
Fabien (fab-greywolf) wrote :

Hi all,

I have the same problem.
It was on Feisty, I still have it on Gusty with last update. (Evolution 2.12.0, Ubuntu package 2.12.0-0Ubuntu5)
It's the first thing I have test on my new Gusty installation. (So I think Gnome / Evolution are clean)

To reproduce : Insert image in your message body (in HTML message). Then, right click on it, choose "Style" and "Picture Style" (<- I think, I have french version). Finally, Change "Alignment" from "Bottom" to another like "Middle" or "Top" = Crash !

---- "I cannot get evolution to crash with the steps you told us, please try to obtain a backtrace and attach the file to the bug report."
I follow instruction, backtrace is attach to this report. Hope it's correct and useful.

---- "you can attach gdb to evolution-data-server if that's it which is crashing"
I don't know how to do that ? I've a already install gdb package of the evolution-data-server.

Sorry for English, I'm french but I can send you more precision.