Comment 6 for bug 331023

Revision history for this message
Lorenco Trichardt (trichalo) wrote :

f-spot --debug
** Running f-spot in Debug Mode **
** Running Mono with --debug **
[Info 11:55:53.167] Initializing DBus
[Debug 11:55:53.345] DBusInitialization took 0.15022s
[Info 11:55:53.345] Initializing Mono.Addins
[Debug 11:55:53.681] Mono.Addins Initialization took 0.335918s
[Info 11:55:53.690] Starting new FSpot server
[Debug 11:55:54.051] Db Initialization took 0.248602s
[Debug 11:55:54.872] QueryToTemp took 0.289606s : SELECT id, time, uri, description, roll_id, default_version_id, rating, md5_sum FROM photos WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT photo_id FROM photo_tags WHERE tag_id = 2) ORDER BY time DESC
[Debug 11:55:55.370] PhotosPerMonth took 0.228857s
[Debug 11:55:55.373] TimeAdaptor REAL Reload took 0.435493s
[Debug 11:55:55.503] Query took 0.316788s : SELECT * FROM photoquery_temp_0 LIMIT 100 OFFSET 0
Node 'Command' not allowed in extension: /FSpot/Menus/PhotoPopup
Node 'MenuSeparator' not allowed in extension: /FSpot/Menus/PhotoPopup
Node 'Command' not allowed in extension: /FSpot/Menus/PhotoPopup
Node 'Command' not allowed in extension: /FSpot/Menus/PhotoPopup
Node 'MenuSeparator' not allowed in extension: /FSpot/Menus/PhotoPopup
Node 'MenuGenerator' not allowed in extension: /FSpot/Menus/PhotoPopup
Node 'Command' not allowed in extension: /FSpot/Menus/PhotoPopup
Node 'Command' not allowed in extension: /FSpot/Menus/PhotoPopup
Node 'MenuSeparator' not allowed in extension: /FSpot/Menus/PhotoPopup
Node 'MenuGenerator' not allowed in extension: /FSpot/Menus/PhotoPopup
Node 'MenuGenerator' not allowed in extension: /FSpot/Menus/PhotoPopup
Node 'ComplexMenuItem' not allowed in extension: /FSpot/Menus/PhotoPopup
Node 'Command' not allowed in extension: /FSpot/Menus/PhotoPopup
Node 'Command' not allowed in extension: /FSpot/Menus/Tools
Node 'Command' not allowed in extension: /FSpot/Menus/Tools
Node 'Command' not allowed in extension: /FSpot/Menus/Tools
Node 'Command' not allowed in extension: /FSpot/Menus/Tools
Node 'ExportMenuItem' not allowed in extension: /FSpot/Menus/Exports
Node 'ExportMenuItem' not allowed in extension: /FSpot/Menus/Exports
Node 'ExportMenuItem' not allowed in extension: /FSpot/Menus/Exports
Node 'ExportMenuItem' not allowed in extension: /FSpot/Menus/Exports
Node 'ExportMenuItem' not allowed in extension: /FSpot/Menus/Exports
Node 'ExportMenuItem' not allowed in extension: /FSpot/Menus/Exports
Node 'ExportMenuItem' not allowed in extension: /FSpot/Menus/Exports
Node 'ExportMenuItem' not allowed in extension: /FSpot/Menus/Exports
Node 'Command' not allowed in extension: /FSpot/Menus/Tools
[Info 11:55:55.875] Starting DBusService
[Debug 11:55:55.890] DBusService startup took 0.014599s
[Info 11:55:55.892] Starting BeagleService
[Debug 11:55:55.893] BeagleService startup took 2E-05s
[Info 11:55:55.893] Hack for gnome-settings-daemon engaged
[Debug 11:55:56.081] IndexOf took 0.027135s : SELECT ROWID FROM photoquery_temp_0 WHERE time <= 1235858399 ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 1
[Debug 11:55:56.085] IndexOf took 0.003991s : SELECT ROWID FROM photoquery_temp_0 WHERE id = 14208

(f-spot:5502): GdkPixbuf-WARNING **: GdkPixbufLoader finalized without calling gdk_pixbuf_loader_close() - this is not allowed. You must explicitly end the data stream to the loader before dropping the last reference.