Comment 19 for bug 174229

Revision history for this message
jack (benbenny) wrote : Re: [Bug 174229] Re: [hardy] fonts smaller after update

please stop sending me Bug reporting. Thanks
 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: knarf <email address hidden>
> The font problems with QT4 are not related to this issue but are caused
> by a bug in QT4 which makes it display all fonts without antialiasing
> when there is at least one font on the system for which antialiasing has
> been disabled. On Gutsy/Hardy there is at least one such font: ttf-
> arphic-uming. Either remove this font or apply the attached patch to
> /etc/fonts/conf.d/70-ttf-arphic-uming.conf.
> ** Attachment added: "Enable antialising for ttf-arphic-uming"
> --
> [hardy] fonts smaller after update
> You received this bug notification because you are a bug contact for
> firefox in ubuntu.