Comment 2 for bug 23461

Revision history for this message
Ian Jackson (ijackson) wrote :

I think the ioerror actually means pnm2ppa is failing. Can you please try the
following and give a transcript of steps 2 onwards and a description of what the
printer does ?

1. Print from Firefox to a file rather than to your printer.
2. gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dPARANOIDSAFER -dBATCH -r600 -sDEVICE=ppmraw
3. pnm2ppa -v 720 -B 2 -t 10 -b 150 -l 10 -r 10 -x 160 -y 50 -i - -o - <test.ppm
4. lpr -o raw test.ppa

If, as I suspect, step 3 fails, could you attach test.ppm to this bug report.