Comment 10 for bug 172833

Revision history for this message
Emilio Pozuelo Monfort (pochu) wrote : Re: [Bug 172833] Re: gnome-app-install crashed with SIGSEGV

kamaraopoa wrote:
> *** This bug is a duplicate of bug 173118 ***

The bug has already been fixed. Just update to the latest gnome-app-install and
you will get the fix.

And you don't need to compile any kernel modules - the information you gave is
completely useless.

> First, I will show how we can get a full report of the problem, so that
> in other forums of life can help us. Then, the more adventurous, I
> decided to show my problem and did the network of such PC work in
> Ubuntu. Who knows you can not solve your problem as well?
> Most of the following commands to be executed as root. In Ubuntu you can
> run as root adding the command "sudo" before the command, or using the
> command "sudo su" to login as root. In other distribution, use the
> command "su -" to gain root access.
> Step 1: collecting information on the problem
> The first thing to do is to discover how the system sees the hardware
> problem. There is no advance in the forum say that your network card of
> the SIS is not working. It must describe the model, and this information
> can you get with `` lspci. It will list your network card, your video
> card, modem and other devices, something fine. Here we go:
> # Lspci - nn
> 00:04.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Silicon Integrated Systems (SIS) 190
> Gigabit Ethernet Adapter [1039:0190] (rev 01)
> Seen? Placed only the line of the network card not to pollute the text,
> but you should learn more about ten lines. Look problem and the hardware
> store and two paragraphs in particular: the first block of numbers that
> appears - in the case there from above, the "00:04.0" - and the ID of
> the device-in finalzinho, in brackets: 1039:0190.
> The module of the hardware problem
> Is the module of the device was loaded? Furthermore ... What is the
> module him? To discover this we use the ID of the device (in my case, as
> we saw above, is 1039:0190).
> The ID of the device has two parts: the first four numbers (1039)
> indicate the manufacturer (in our case the SIS). The last four (0190)
> the model. To learn what is the driver of the device in question between
> with this command, obviously replacing the numbers of their ID by:
> # Modprobe-c | egrep'1039 .* 0190 '
> Alias pci: v00001039d00000190sv * * sd bc * sc * i * sis190
> The module is that there at the end of the line, the sis190. Does he is
> charged? Enter the command "lsmod | grep sis190." If the command does
> not return anything, try to manually load the module using the modprobe
> sis190 "(always as root, do not forget). The module loaded, but the
> network still does not work? Then continue reading.
> Ask kernel: why the hardware does not work?
> Now let's see what's happening with the hardware problem during boot
> Linux. Therefore, we use the command `dmesg", which shows us the log
> with all the "events" of the kernel during boot. But we peneirar the
> result, for which only the lines relating to our hardware esquisitão
> appear. Therefore, I will filter the output of dmesg by grep, asking him
> to show us only the lines containing "00:04.0" - getting that number go
> up with the command lspci - nn, remember? Be sure to replace the
> "00:04.0" by the block of numbers on your hardware.
> # Dmesg | grep'00: 04.0 '
> 0000:00:04.0: Read MAC address from APIC
> 0000:00:04.0: Can not find ISA bridge
> A-ago, the network card does not find the ISA bridge! What this means? I
> know there, the important thing is that the error is this. If you want
> to do a search on google or ask for help in the forums of life, already
> have all the information you need. Go to your favorite forum and give
> this information to your friends:
> * Hardware: Silicon Integrated Systems (SIS) 190 Gigabit Ethernet
> Adapter
> * ID hardware: 1039:0190
> * Module hardware: sis190
> * Messages kernel related to the hardware: the output of the
> command post dmesg we saw just above.
> If anyone knows solve the problem, it will not be for lack of
> information that will help you stop. Now, if you want to understand what
> is happening and try to solve the problem on their own, continue reading.
> Step 2: solving the problem
> The command dmesg the problem showed that the kernel is having with our
> hardware: "0000:00:04.0: Can not find ISA bridge." What this means?
> I was using a relatively new board of ECS, with chipset SIS (SIS of the
> chipsets tend to be problematic in Linux). The module that supports my
> network card is the sis190. Supposedly the network should be running,
> but our favorite network card is having trouble finding the ISA bridge.
> Why is?
> To solve the problem, we take a look at the source code of the module.
> Perhaps we can set the problem and compile the module again, already
> fixed. It's not as difficult as it seems.
> Getting the kernel sources
> The module network sis190 comes embedded in the kernel. Then we download
> and unpack the source code of the kernel, which brings the source of
> sis190, the module problematic:
> # Sudo apt-get install linux-source-`uname-r`
> # Tar jxvf / usr/src/linux-source- `uname-r`. Tar.bz2
> Now we take a quick peek at the source code of the module in question:
> # Gedit / usr/src/linux-source- `uname-r` / drivers/net/sis190.c
> Oops, see only what I thought in the middle of the code module:
> Isa_bridge = pci_get_device (PCI_VENDOR_ID_SI, 0x0965, NULL);
> If (! Isa_bridge) (
> Net_probe (tp, KERN_INFO "% s: Can not find ISA bridge.",
> Pci_name (pdev));
> Return-EIO;
> )
> Is not, the error message "Can not find ISA bridge!" Here is the problem
> that I was accusing kernel-reminiscent of the command when used dmesg?
> In this case, it is good information on my ISA Bridge to know why the
> driver is not finding it.
> # Lspci - nn
> 00:02.0 ISA bridge [0601]: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] Unknown
> device 0966 [1039:0966] (rev 59)
> Again the command lspci - nn, but this time is the line that interests
> me. Hmm. .. See that strange: the ID that the lspci complains to my ISA
> bridge is 1039:0966. But there in the code of the driver we have this
> line that says isa_bridge = pci_get_device (PCI_VENDOR_ID_SI, 0x0965,
> NULL); Reparou? The driver says the network card that my ISA bridge is a
> model 0965, but the lspci showed that my model is 0966! The module is
> pointing to the wrong place! Let's change the 0965 to 0966 in the code
> of the module, save the modified file and compile it.
> Compiling the new driver
> To compile the driver we need the package build-essential. Take one:
> Sudo apt-get install build-essential
> Let's for the directory of the source and will use some basic commands
> to be able to compile the driver:
> # Cd / usr/src/linux-source- `uname-r`
> # Make menuconfig
> After the last command, and choose exit yes. And the collection itself:
> # Make drivers/net/sis190.ko
> Ready, the new driver has been compiled. Let's flush the old module,
> copy the new place in it and loads it:
> # Rmmod sis190.ko
> # Cp drivers/net/sis190.ko / lib / modules / `uname-r` / kernel /
> drivers / net /
> # Modprobe sis190
> If all went well, you solved the problem and its network is working! You
> can go tell their friends :-)
> Kbo_Marquez escreveu:
>> *** This bug is a duplicate of bug 173118 ***
>> Ubuntu 8.04
>> Same problem. Crash, when i typed w/e in search box.