Comment 24 for bug 1758306

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Trish1274 (pldiewald) wrote :

After poking around Google to find a solution, I came here, and I'm still stumped. I just upgraded to 18.04 last night, and I tried GCC to swap my mouse/touchpad buttons back to lefty-normal, and that failed. So I went to the terminal. "gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.peripherals.mouse left-handed" comes back with "true".

I saw someone say that there was an update that fixed this, but I've checked for updates after upgrading, and the only update was for the Chrome browser. Nothing mouse-related, and my buttons still aren't right.

Any ideas? This is a major PITA for a lefty who uses these buttons all the time. Thank goodness it's not my work laptop (can't convince the office to ditch Windows), but it's still a big problem. In fact, I am writing this on my work laptop because I kept hitting the wrong button on my personal one. It's putting me at a bit of a handicap.