Comment 56 for bug 201786

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Tim Utschig (tim-magnumsemi) wrote : Re: [Bug 201786] Re: ssh Agent admitted failure to sign using the key on big endian machines

Just my $0.02...

If you use an SSH agent, do yourself a favor and use OpenSSH's
own ssh-agent. I've found
seahorse/gnome-keyring-daemon/whatever very unreliable,
especially when I run dozens of parallel ssh commands (which all
use public key auth via the SSH agent). I give it a chance with
each new Ubuntu release, but each time it has failed me.

I always end up falling back to the following in ~/.bashrc:

  export SSH_AUTH_SOCK="$HOME/.ssh/.authsock"

and the following alias for starting a new agent (once per boot):

  alias ssh-agent-init='bash -c '\''eval "`ssh-agent -s`"; ln
-sf $SSH_AUTH_SOCK $HOME/.ssh/.authsock; echo "Agent authsock
$SSH_AUTH_SOCK"; ssh-add /path/to/mykeys/id_[rd]sa'\'

I hear people also use the "keychain" package to achieve the
same, though I haven't looked at it.

Tim Utschig<email address hidden>
Network / Unix Systems Administrator
Magnum Semiconductor
Desk: 408-934-3754 , Mobile: 408-644-3861