Change log for gnome-panel package in Ubuntu

226273 of 348 results
Superseded in edgy-release
gnome-panel (2.16.0-0ubuntu2) edgy; urgency=low

  * debian/patches/09_help_submenu.patch:
    - changed to point to instead of
      pointing to a local copy.

 -- Daniel Holbach <email address hidden>   Wed, 13 Sep 2006 15:50:22 +0200
Superseded in edgy-release
gnome-panel (2.16.0-0ubuntu1) edgy; urgency=low

  * New upstream version:
    - Plug leaks
    - Don't (wrongly) modify the laucnher when creating the editor
    Clock Applet:
    - Fix crash when double-clicking on the calendar (Ubuntu: #58428)
    - Add 24x24 versions of the icons
  * debian/patches/12_autoconf.patch:
    - updated

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>   Wed,  6 Sep 2006 11:25:59 +0200
Superseded in edgy-release
gnome-panel (2.15.92-0ubuntu2) edgy; urgency=low

  * Rebuild against dbus 0.90

 -- Sebastian Dröge <email address hidden>   Thu, 24 Aug 2006 16:25:41 +0200
Superseded in edgy-release
gnome-panel (2.15.92-0ubuntu1) edgy; urgency=low

  * New upstream version:
    - Fix panel going to the top of screen instead of autohiding
    - Make relative paths work in gnome-desktop-item-edit
    - Use new icon for run dialog
    - Fix crash when alacarte is not found for editing a menu
    - Handle drop of some special icons on the nautilus desktop (trash,
      home, computer, network)
    - Fix drag and drop of items from the menu
    - Remove extensions of the icon name before looking for it for the menus
    - Don't add ellipsises at the end of "Delete Panel"
    - Update icon for the network places
    - Fix crash when quitting and an applet is crashing
    - Fix sensitivity of "Recent documents" menu item
    - Fix updates of launchers when editing
    - Don't throw a critical warning if the icon of a launcher can't be
      found in the icon theme when editing the launcher
    - Make it possible to clear recent documents list more than once
    - Use GOption for the applets
    - Make g_object_new() really work for PanelApplet
    Clock Applet:
    - Algorithm fix for size detection
    - Convert from locale to UTF-8 the output of strftime()
    Notification Area Applet:
    - Stop using XInternAtom()
    - Try to fix the notification area in multihead non-xinerama setups
    - Code beautifications
    - Make transparent icons in the notification area
    - Make balloon messages work
    Show Desktop Applet:
    - Use the optimal size for icon so it's sharp
    - Require GTK+ 2.10.0
    - Add new --with-in-process-applets to make it possible to compile
      applets as in-process applets
  * debian/gnome-panel.install:
    - updated the inlined applets location
  * debian/patches/09_lpi_src.patch:
    - updated
  * debian/patches/10_some_applets_in_proc.patch:
    - the new upstream version has a configure flag for that
  * debian/patches/12_autoconf.patch:
    - updated
  * debian/patches/13_notification_area_transparency.patch:
    - fixed with the new version
  * debian/patches/90_from_cvs_fix_auto_hidden_panel_jumping.patch:
    - fixed with the new version
  * debian/rules:
    - use "--with-in-process-applets=all" configure option

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>   Tue, 22 Aug 2006 11:22:10 +0200
Superseded in edgy-release
gnome-panel (2.15.91-0ubuntu3) edgy; urgency=low

  * debian/patches/07_time_cmd.patch:
    - dropped, the new gnome-system-tools don't need special rights from the UI

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>   Wed, 16 Aug 2006 16:33:06 +0200
Superseded in edgy-release
gnome-panel (2.15.91-0ubuntu2) edgy; urgency=low

  * debian/patches/90_from_cvs_fix_auto_hidden_panel_jumping.patch:
    - patch from upstream CVS, fix auto hidden panel jumping to the other side
      of the screen, patch worked by Зоран Рилак <email address hidden>
      (Ubuntu: #48226)

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>   Tue,  8 Aug 2006 12:29:06 +0200
Superseded in edgy-release
gnome-panel (2.15.91-0ubuntu1) edgy; urgency=low

  * New upstream version:
    - Don't block when X is killed
    - Use GtkRecent
    - Don't use GnomeDesktopItem where possible
    - New dialog to edit launchers
    - Don't show error about not found icons multiple times per launcher
    - Use new icons
    All applets:
    - Use new icons
    Clock Applet:
    - Only display vertical text on vertical panels when the panel is not
      wide enough for horizontal text
    Fish Applet:
    - Use new animation for Wanda
    Notification Area Applet:
    - Integrate the tray manager code and kill libegg
    - New icons!
    - Update bugzilla informations
    - Wncklet applets don't depend on gnome-desktop
  * debian/
    - updated GTK requirement to 2.10
  * debian/patches/01_layout.patch:
    - updated, the Desktop menu has been renamed to System upstream now
  * debian/patches/06_applets_category.patch:
    - updated
  * debian/patches/09_lpi_src.patch:
    - updated
  * debian/patches/10_some_applets_in_proc.patch:
    - updated
  * debian/patches/12_autoconf.patch:
    - updated
  * debian/patches/13_notification_area_transparency.patch:
    - updated

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>   Tue,  8 Aug 2006 09:40:09 +0200
Obsolete in dapper-updates
gnome-panel (2.14.3-0ubuntu1) dapper-updates; urgency=low

  * New upstream version:
    - Fix corrupted background on big-endian computers
    - Update background when the screen size changes
    - Fix display name of some bookmarks
  * debian/patches/12_autoconf.patch:
    - updated

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>   Mon, 31 Jul 2006 18:57:19 +0200
Superseded in edgy-release
gnome-panel (2.15.90-0ubuntu2) edgy; urgency=low

  * debian/
    - rebuild with the new evolution-data-server since some sonames changed
    - Suggests fortunes-mod, it's used by the fish applet (Ubuntu: #45545)

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>   Tue, 25 Jul 2006 22:39:07 +0200
Superseded in edgy-release
gnome-panel (2.15.90-0ubuntu1) edgy; urgency=low

  * New upstream version:
    - Fix corrupted background on big-endian computers
    - Update background when the screen size changes
    - Fix display name of some bookmarks
    - Use alacarte when available to edit menus
    - Use gnome-power-manager to implement suspend/hibernate
    - Don't use eggaccelerators anymore (Vincent)
    - Require dbus-glib
    Docs Translators:
    - Daniel Nylander (sv)
    - Runa Bhattacharjee (bn_IN)
    - Rhys Jones (cy)
    - Hendrik Richter (de)
    - Francisco Javier F. Serrador (es)
    - Ivar Smolin (et)
    - Ilkka Tuohela (fi)
    - Robert-André Mauchin (fr)
    - Mohammad DAMT (id)
    - Luca Ferretti (it)
    - Vincent van Adrighem (li)
    - Raivis Dejus (lv)
    - Thierry Randrianiriana (mg)
    - Jitendra Shah (mr)
    - Hasbullah Bin Pit (ms)
    - Rajeev Shrestha (ne)
    - A S Alam (pa)
    - Evandro Fernandes Giovanini (pt_BR)
    - Duarte Loreto (pt)
    - Leonid Kanter (ru)
    - Marcel Telka (sk)
    - Слободан Д. Средојевић (sr)
    - Daniel Nylander (sv)
    - Felix (ta)
    - Clytie Siddall (vi)
    - Woodman Tuen (zh_HK)
  * debian/patches/09_lpi_src.patch:
    - updated
  * debian/patches/10_defaulteditor.patch:
    - fixed by the new version
  * debian/patches/12_autoconf.patch:
    - updated

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>   Tue, 25 Jul 2006 15:19:01 +0200
Superseded in edgy-release
gnome-panel (2.14.2-1ubuntu1) edgy; urgency=low

  * Sync with Debian
  * debian/application-default-icon.png.uue:
    - default icon for the menu entries.
  * debian/
    - Build-Depends on libnspr-dev, liblpint-bonobo-dev,
    - updated the libpanel dbg package name, list a gnome-panel-dbg package
    - Recommends alacarte
  * debian/gnome-panel.install:
    - update list of applets to install
  * debian/gnome-panel-data.install:
    - install the "About Ubuntu" menu item.
  * debian/gnome-panel-data.postinst:
    - use laptop-detect to determine the default configuration.
  * debian/panel-default-setup-laptop.entries:
    - laptop profile.
  * debian/patches/01_distrologo.patch:
    - use the distribution logo.
  * debian/patches/01_layout.patch:
    - rename the Desktop menu, list the Documents item.
  * debian/patches/02_panel-menu-items.c.patch:
    - fixed with the current version.
  * debian/patches/04_menus_rename.patch:
    - no name change for the menu files.
  * debian/patches/04_default_panel_config.patch:
    - change to the default configuration.
  * debian/patches/05_submenus.patch:
    - change the order of the administration and preferences menus.
  * debian/patches/06_applets_category.patch:
    - fix applets categories.
  * debian/patches/07_time_cmd.patch:
    - use gksudo to set the clock.
  * debian/patches/07_use_beagle.patch:
    - use beagle for the places menu search item if available (Ubuntu: #38986)
  * debian/patches/08_default_clock_setting.patch:
    - display the date with the panel clock by default
  * debian/patches/08_tray_icons.patch:
    - fix some bugs with the systray.
  * debian/patches/09_default_icons.patch:
    - shows an icon if the .desktop hasn't one.
  * debian/patches/09_help_submenu.patch:
    - make a "help" submenu for support (Ubuntu: #31775
  * debian/patches/09_lpi_src.patch,
    - Launchpad Integration.
  * debian/patches/10_defaulteditor.patch:
    - change the default editor to alacarte
  * debian/patches/10_some_applets_in_proc.patch:
     - patch by Ben Maurer <email address hidden>
     - change some applets to be in-proc for best memory usage on the desktop
       (Ubuntu: #39155)
  * debian/patches/11_applet_use_session_dialog.patch:
    - Ubuntu session dialog
  * debian/patches/11_panel_addto_dialog.patch:
    - new 'add to panel' dialog.
  * debian/patches/12_autoconf.patch:
    - update the build files.
  * debian/patches/13_notification_area_transparency.patch:
    - patch from bugzilla to make transparency work with the notification area,
      applications need to be patched too (GNOME: #100600, Ubuntu: #32173)
  * debian/patches/14_remove_separators.patch:
    - patch by Gary Coady <email address hidden>
    - removed unneeded menu separators, fix the separator being displayed
      to the application menu for non admin users by example (Ubuntu: #34363)
  * debian/patches/99_about-ubuntu-translation.patch:
    - list ubuntu-about.desktop as to translate
  * debian/rules:
    - install the default menu icon.
    - run intltool-update
    - updated for ubuntu dbg packages.
  * debian/ubuntu-about.desktop, debian/
    - "About Ubuntu" menu item.
  * debian/watch:
    - updated.

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>   Sun,  9 Jul 2006 16:43:22 +0200
Superseded in dapper-updates
gnome-panel (2.14.2-0ubuntu1) dapper-updates; urgency=low

  * New upstream version:
    - Use gnome-vfs function to sort volumes
    - Fix closing of About dialog
    - Fix closing of About dialogs
    - Require intltool 0.35.0
    - Depend on gnome-vfs 2.14.2
    Docs Translators
    - Francisco Javier F. Serrador (es)
    - Jérémy Le Floc'h (br)
    - Mindu Dorji (dz)
    - Kostas Papadimas (el)
    - Ivar Smolin (et)
    - Robert-André Mauchin (fr)
    - Vladimer Sichinava (ka)
    - Gnome PL Team (pl)
    - Leonid Kanter (ru)
    - Clytie Siddall (vi)
  * debian/
    - updated the gnome-vfs Build-Depends according to configure
  * debian/patches/12_autoconf.patch:
    - updated

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>   Wed, 14 Jun 2006 18:08:13 +0200
Superseded in edgy-release
Obsolete in dapper-release
gnome-panel (2.14.1-0ubuntu16) dapper; urgency=low

  * debian/patches/11_applet_use_session_dialog.patch:
    - updated name and tooltip of the session dialog launcher and menu item
  * debian/patches/11_panel_addto_dialog.patch:
    - updated

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>   Tue, 23 May 2006 18:34:30 +0200
Superseded in dapper-release
gnome-panel (2.14.1-0ubuntu15) dapper; urgency=low

  * debian/patches/99_about-ubuntu-translation.patch: Remove the POT file,
    since it is created on the fly during build, and its presence is subject
    to timestamp race conditions.

 -- Martin Pitt <email address hidden>   Mon, 22 May 2006 21:43:19 +0200
Superseded in dapper-release
gnome-panel (2.14.1-0ubuntu14) dapper; urgency=low

  * debian/patches/09_help_submenu.patch:
    - updated path for the book, list the item only if the book is installed
  * debian/rules:
    - use "--verbose" for the intltool-update call

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>   Mon, 22 May 2006 10:51:07 +0200
Superseded in dapper-release
gnome-panel (2.14.1-0ubuntu13) dapper; urgency=low

  * debian/patches/14_remove_separators.patch:
    - patch by Gary Coady <email address hidden>
    - removed unneeded menu separators, fix the separator being displayed
      to the application menu for non admin users by example (Ubuntu: #34363)

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>   Thu, 18 May 2006 12:12:18 +0200
Superseded in dapper-release
gnome-panel (2.14.1-0ubuntu12) dapper; urgency=low

  * debian/patches/09_help_submenu.patch:
    - updated, new layout is the one that will be used for dapper,
      thanks to Jane Silber for the items description (Ubuntu: #31775)
    - the "Ubuntu Book Excerpt" item points to the firefox startup page
      for now, that's not a bug, it'll be updated before dapper

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>   Tue, 16 May 2006 16:47:36 +0200
Superseded in dapper-release
gnome-panel (2.14.1-0ubuntu11) dapper; urgency=low

  * debian/patches/11_applet_use_session_dialog.patch:
    - don't list the lock menu item with ubuntu session mode

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>   Mon, 15 May 2006 11:31:25 +0200
Superseded in dapper-release
gnome-panel (2.14.1-0ubuntu10) dapper; urgency=low

  * debian/gnome-panel.install:
    - list new .so built instead of the binaries to the new patch
  * debian/patches/10_some_applets_in_proc.patch:
     - patch by Ben Maurer <email address hidden>
     - change some applets to be in-proc for best memory usage on the desktop
       (Ubuntu: #39155)
  * debian/patches/12_autoconf.patch:
    - updated
  * debian/patches/99_about-ubuntu-translation.patch:
    - updated

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>   Sun,  7 May 2006 23:26:23 +0200
Superseded in dapper-release
gnome-panel (2.14.1-0ubuntu9) dapper; urgency=low

  * debian/patches/11_panel_addto_dialog.patch:
    - fix some mnemonics usage (Ubuntu: #42037)

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>   Fri,  5 May 2006 01:27:40 +0200
Superseded in dapper-release
gnome-panel (2.14.1-0ubuntu8) dapper; urgency=low

  * debian/patches/11_applet_use_session_dialog.patch:
    - mention than the panel needs to be restarted if the session dialog to use
      is changed (Ubuntu: #42533)

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>   Tue,  2 May 2006 18:17:15 +0200
Superseded in dapper-release
gnome-panel (2.14.1-0ubuntu7) dapper; urgency=low

  * debian/patches/13_notification_area_transparency.patch:
    - patch from bugzilla to make transparency work with the notification area,
      applications need to be patched too (GNOME: #100600, Ubuntu: #32173)

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>   Mon,  1 May 2006 15:08:56 +0200
Superseded in dapper-release
gnome-panel (2.14.1-0ubuntu6) dapper; urgency=low

  * debian/ubuntu-about.desktop, debian/
    - don't force the icon path nor format (Ubuntu: #41465)

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>   Wed, 26 Apr 2006 18:52:29 +0200
Superseded in dapper-release
gnome-panel (2.14.1-0ubuntu5) dapper; urgency=low

  * debian/gnome-panel-data.postinst,
    debian/panel-default-setup-laptop.entries, debian/rules:
    - laptop profile is useful for wireless applet, modify the profile
      to not use battstat since it's not required

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>   Wed, 19 Apr 2006 10:51:06 +0200
Superseded in dapper-release
gnome-panel (2.14.1-0ubuntu4) dapper; urgency=low

  * debian/gnome-panel-data.postinst,
    debian/panel-default-setup-laptop.entries, debian/rules:
    - drop the laptop profile, it was to use battstat which is not required now
      (Ubuntu: #32348)

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>   Wed, 19 Apr 2006 10:06:15 +0200
Superseded in dapper-release
gnome-panel (2.14.1-0ubuntu3) dapper; urgency=low

  * debian/patches/11_panel_addto_dialog.patch:
    - cleanup, marked strings as translatable (Ubuntu: #39790)

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>   Sun, 16 Apr 2006 22:04:19 +0200
Superseded in dapper-release
gnome-panel (2.14.1-0ubuntu2) dapper; urgency=low

  * debian/patches/09_help_submenu.patch:
    - fix string not marked for translation
  * debian/patches/11_applet_use_session_dialog.patch:
    - define a "/apps/panel/global/upstream_session" gconf key to use the
      upstream sessions dialogs instead of the Ubuntu one
    - only the upstream mode has a shutdown applet (Ubuntu: #37179)

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>   Fri, 14 Apr 2006 14:32:00 +0200
Superseded in dapper-release
gnome-panel (2.14.1-0ubuntu1) dapper; urgency=low

  * New upstream version:
    - Don't show an empty label for local URI that are not file: URI in
      the bookmarks (Ubuntu: #31956, #36775)
    - Plug leaks
    - Always canonicalize URIs in launchers before showing them
    - Cleanups
    - Plug GnomeProgram leak
    Clock Applet:
    - Remove GnomeProgram leak
    - Fix potential crash
    - Fix potential crash with unknown event types
    - Launch evolution on the clicked day
    - Plug leak of a GError
    Show Desktop Applet:
    - Use less padding for the focus so the icon doesn't get trimmed
    - Use po/LINGUAS to list languages
    Docs Translators:
    - Maxim Dziumanenko (uk)
    - Vital Khilko (be)
    - Jérémy Le Floc'h (br)
    - Pema Geyleg (dz)
    - Ivar Smolin (et)
    - Benoît Dejean (fr)
    - Ignacio Casal Quinteiro (gl)
    - Yuval Tanny (he)
    - Luca Ferretti (it)
    - Takeshi AIHANA (ja)
    - Vladimer Sichinava (ka)
    - Wouter Bolsterlee (nl)
    - Gora Mohanty (or)
    - Dan Damian (ro)
  * debian/patches/07_clock_applet_spawn_evo_right_day.patch:
    - fixed with the new version
  * debian/patches/07_use_beagle.patch:
    - use beagle for the places menu search item if available (Ubuntu: #38986)

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>   Mon, 10 Apr 2006 17:08:16 +0200
Superseded in dapper-release
gnome-panel (2.14.0-0ubuntu2) dapper; urgency=low

  * debian/patches/07_clock_applet_spawn_evo_right_day.patch:
    - make double clicking on a day from the panel calendar open the
      evolution calendar on the same day, patch by Tollef (Ubuntu :#35167)

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>   Mon, 20 Mar 2006 10:42:28 +0100
Superseded in dapper-release
gnome-panel (2.14.0-0ubuntu1) dapper; urgency=low

  * New upstream release:
    - Panel:
      - Remove the Suspend button on the logout dialog (this is not a
        regression wrt 2.12)
      - Ignore unknown options passed to the panel
      - Fix orientation of handles
      - Fix help link for the menubar
      - Fix underscores not being visible in menu items
    - Workspace Switcher Applet:
      - Fix crash when scrolling right on the last workspace
    - Misc:
      - Update manpage
    - Translations: be, bg, bn, cs, cy, da, de, el, es, et, eu, fi, hu, it,
      ja, ka, ku, lt, nb, nl, nn, no, pl, pt_BR, ru, sq, sr, sv, th, uk, vi,
      zh_CN, zh_HK, zh_TW.
  * debian/ubuntu-about.desktop{,.in}:
    - added .in file, added Lithuanian translation (Malone: #34711), added
      Catalan translation (thanks Jordi Mallach).
  * debian/patches/99_about-ubuntu-translation.patch:
    - added debian/ubuntu-about.desktop to, reran
      intltool-update -p.

 -- Daniel Holbach <email address hidden>   Mon, 13 Mar 2006 22:16:31 +0100
Superseded in dapper-release
gnome-panel (2.13.91-0ubuntu6) dapper; urgency=low

  * debian/patches/09_help_submenu.patch:
    - make a "help" submenu for support (Ubuntu: #31775)

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>   Thu,  2 Mar 2006 23:49:01 +0100
Superseded in dapper-release
gnome-panel (2.13.91-0ubuntu5) dapper; urgency=low

  * debian/
    - Build-Depends on libpng12 instead of libpng3 (Ubuntu: #32590)
  * debian/patches/08_default_clock_setting.patch:
    - display the date with the panel clock by default

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>   Thu,  2 Mar 2006 18:59:41 +0100
Superseded in dapper-release
gnome-panel (2.13.91-0ubuntu4) dapper; urgency=low

  * debian/patches/11_applet_use_session_dialog.patch:
    - patch update, use one item for the panel menu and make it open the
      session dialog

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>   Sat, 25 Feb 2006 00:00:00 +0100
Superseded in dapper-release
gnome-panel (2.13.91-0ubuntu3) dapper; urgency=low

  * debian/patches/04_default_panel_config.patch:
    - default browser is firefox not epiphany

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>   Thu, 16 Feb 2006 16:26:39 +0100
Superseded in dapper-release
gnome-panel (2.13.91-0ubuntu2) dapper; urgency=low

  * debian/ubuntu-about.desktop:
    - use the distributor-logo as icon (Ubuntu: #10322)

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>   Thu, 16 Feb 2006 15:30:25 +0100
Superseded in dapper-release
gnome-panel (2.13.91-0ubuntu1) dapper; urgency=low

  * New upstream release:
    - Panel:
      - Use Restart instead of Reboot
      - Remove the Shut Down reference in the tooltip of the Log Out item
        (Malone: #30293)
      - Don't reboot/shutdown immediately if other users are connected
      - Don't display the Shut Down item if GDM is not running
      - Use a softer countdown for the 30 first seconds in the log out dialogs
      - Fix critical warning in the run dialog when the program list is
      - Add "..." at the end of the Log Out and Shut Down items
      - Make invisible mnemonics in menu work again
      - Add accelerator for items in the context menu of launchers
      - Use GOption instead of popt
    - Fish Applet:
      - Use gender-neutral wording in about dialog
    - Window Menu Applet:
      - Update help link
    - Misc:
      - Use GOption instead of popt in the test applet program
      - Fix build when /usr/lib/X11R6 is a link to /usr
    - Docs Translators: Luca Ferretti (it)
    - Translators: Runa Bhattacharjee (bn), Jordi Mallach (ca), Miloslav
      Trmac (cs), Ole Laursen (da), Ivar Smolin (et), Ignacio Casal Quinteiro
      (gl), Luca Ferretti (it), Øivind Hoel (nb), Evandro Fernandes Giovanini
      (pt_BR), Слободан Д. Средојевић (sr), Theppitak Karoonboonyanan (th)
  * debian/patches/11_panel_addto_dialog.patch,
    - updated.

 -- Daniel Holbach <email address hidden>   Mon, 13 Feb 2006 22:33:00 +0100
Superseded in dapper-release
gnome-panel (2.13.90-0ubuntu2) dapper; urgency=low

  * debian/rules:
    - build a .pot
Superseded in dapper-release
gnome-panel (2.13.90-0ubuntu1) dapper; urgency=low

  * New upstream release:
    - Panel:
      - Fix timeout label in the logout dialogs
      - Don't make it possible to have two logout dialogs at the same time
      - Put logout dialogs above all windows and on all workspaces
      - Show the logout dialog on the correct screen
      - Fix crash with logout dialogs when esd and sound events are enabled
      - Simplify the logout dialogs questions
      - Partial fix for Vincent's stupidity :-)
      - Fix search of application launchers in "Add to panel" dialog
      - Fix potential crash when there's an error loading an applet
      - Update libegg code
      - Fix crash when logout dialogs are closed by the window manager
      - Remove gnome-screenshot item from the Desktop menu
      - Look in the XDG data dirs when loading a .desktop file, so we don't
        need the whole path
      - Update default panel config to just use basenames for .desktop files
      - Remove the screenshot action button and migrates the existing config
        to use gnome-screenshot.desktop (Malone: #19090).
      - Change accelerator for "Lock To Panel"
      - Add username to the Logout menu item
      - Fix crash happening with remote bookmarks in the Places menu
      - Use an icon for the network places submenu
      - Update the launcher item description in the "Add to panel" dialog
      - Simplify and add context for some strings
      - Fix warnings
      - Don't show useless separators in context menus of panel objects when
        the panel is locked down
      - Fix theoretical breakage if gconf config is broken
    - Clock Applet:
      - Fix incoherency in the use of two lines format
      - Don't offer the 12-hour format to the user if his locale don't
        support it
    - Misc:
      - Add context in some strings of the test applet program
    - Docs Translators
      - Vincent Untz (fr)
    - Translators: Vital Khilko (be), Vladimir Petkov (bg), Hendrik 
      Brandt (de), Kostas Papadimas (el), Adam Weinberger (en_CA), Francisco 
      Javier F. Serrador (es), Ilkka Tuohela (fi), Ignacio Casal Quinteiro
      (gl), Ankit Patel (gu), Luca Ferretti (it), Takeshi AIHANA (ja), 
      Žygimantas Beručka (lt), Øivind Hoel (nb), Reinout van Schouwen (nl), 
      Øivind Hoel (no), Evandro Fernandes Giovanini (pt_BR), Слободан Д. 
      Средојевић (sr), Theppitak Karoonboonyanan (th), Clytie Siddall (vi),
      Funda Wang (zh_CN)
  * Other bugs fixed:
    - Malone: #28958: "Alt+F2 "Run Dialog" box appears and hides behind"
  * debian/ubuntu-about.desktop:
    - dropped, DocPath line, thanks Thierry Moisan <email address hidden>.
      (Malone: #4899)
  * debian/patches/04_default_panel_config.patch,
    - updated.
  * debian/patches/08_cvs_fixes_session.patch,
    - dropped, Fix released.

 -- Daniel Holbach <email address hidden>  Sat, 28 Jan 2006 15:47:24 +0100
Superseded in dapper-release
Superseded in dapper-release
Superseded in dapper-release
gnome-panel (2.13.5-0ubuntu4) dapper; urgency=low

  * debian/patches/13_fix-bookmarks-crash.patch:
    + Fix the crash caused by memory corruption when viewing the Locations
      menu. Patch from CVS

 -- Sebastian Dröge <email address hidden>  Mon, 23 Jan 2006 22:20:17 +0100
Superseded in dapper-release
gnome-panel (2.13.4-0ubuntu3) dapper; urgency=low

  * debian/patches/11_panel_addto_dialog.patch:
    - patch update by Manu Cornet <email address hidden>
    - changes according to dapper-desktop-plan
    - move the menu items to the utilities category 
    - use buttons for the special launchers actions

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>  Thu, 12 Jan 2006 22:41:23 +0100
Superseded in dapper-release
gnome-panel (2.13.4-0ubuntu2) dapper; urgency=low

  * debian/panel-default-setup-laptop.entries, 
    - update for dapper-desktop-plan
    - don't put yelp on the default panel
    - put the session button to the top right corner

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>  Mon,  9 Jan 2006 21:54:49 +0100
Superseded in dapper-release
gnome-panel (2.13.4-0ubuntu1) dapper; urgency=low

  * New upstream version:
    - Don't crash when an applet can't be loaded 
    - Fix critical warnings 
    - Remove useless warning 
    - Add a preview widget in the image background chooser 
    - Don't crash with some themes 
    - Fix sensitivity of "Remove panel" menu item 
    - Reword error dialogs 
    - Update the known applications list while typing and only show the
      items that match 
    - Make the "add to panel" dialog a bit nicer
    - Use a close button instead of the cancel one in the "add to panel"
    - Add tooltips for the menu bar 
    - Update from libegg
    - Don't do something on double/triple clicks for buttons 
    - Make applet handles handle transparency 
    - Fix crash when a toplevel is destroyed 
    - Fix crash when quitting with "add to dialog" open 
    - Fix auto-hide panel not autohiding after the "Delete dialog" has been
    - Minor fixes 
    - Code cleanups 
    - Add new API to automatically update the background of a widget
    - Emits the background-changed signal when the allocated size changes
    - Fix criticla warning 
    Clock Applet:
    - Make task activation work correctly 
    - Sort tasks by due date if priorities are the same 
    - Don't show the date by default
    Fish Applet:
    - Fix path to cairo.h
    - Fix critical warning when choosing a new image
    Notification Area Applet:
    - Update from libegg. Should fix some icons not showing
    Window List Applet:
    - Fix critical warning and icon not showing during startup notification
    All Applets:
    - use new libpanel-applet API for the background 
    - Update for clock and fish applets
    - change button order and use Execute button for the test applet program
    - don't crash when an applet can't be loaded in the test applet program
    - Build fixes
  * debian/patches/02_incorrect_applet_loading_crash_fix.patch:
    - fixed with the new version
  * debian/patches/10_defaulteditor.patch,
    - updated
  * debian/patches/08_tray_icons.patch:
    - fixed with the new version

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>  Mon,  2 Jan 2006 22:49:50 +0100
Superseded in dapper-release
gnome-panel (2.13.3-0ubuntu2) dapper; urgency=low

  * debian/
    - build with the current evolution-data-server package

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>  Tue, 13 Dec 2005 21:58:32 +0100
Superseded in dapper-release
gnome-panel (2.13.3-0ubuntu3) dapper; urgency=low

  * debian/patches/02_incorrect_applet_loading_crash_fix.patch:
    - fix a crasher when a bugged applet is configured (Ubuntu: #20912)

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>  Tue, 20 Dec 2005 15:36:53 +0100
Obsolete in breezy-release
gnome-panel (2.12.1-0ubuntu7) breezy; urgency=low

  * debian/patches/02_panel-menu-items.c.patch:
    - don't unescape URI when it's not needed, fixes the issue with nautilus 
      when opening bookmarks with a space (Ubuntu: #14811).

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>  Mon, 10 Oct 2005 00:26:36 +0200
Obsolete in hoary-release
gnome-panel (2.10.0-0ubuntu9) hoary; urgency=low

  * debian/patches/01_layout.patch:
    - Update location of About Ubuntu documentation.
  * debian/ubuntu-about.desktop:
    - Launch with "yelp ghelp:about-ubuntu" so we get translated About
      Ubuntu page, if available.

 -- Jeff Waugh <email address hidden>  Sat, 26 Mar 2005 03:00:35 +1100
Obsolete in hoary-release
gnome-panel (2.10.1-0ubuntu1) hoary; urgency=low

  * New upstream release:
    - fix applet appearing twice when added once and the crash happening
      when removing them.
    - fix launchers not appearing in drawers (Hoary: #8483).
    - load the correct icon for menu buttons (Hoary: #7772).
    - only accept numeric values for the panel size.
    - fix broken label in the Places menu for GTK+ bookmarks when filenames
      are not in UTF-8.
  * debian/ubuntu-about.desktop, debian/patches/03_paneltranslations.patch:
    - translations update.

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>  Sun,  3 Apr 2005 21:38:48 +0200
Obsolete in warty-release
gnome-panel (2.8.1-0ubuntu2) warty; urgency=low

  * debian/patches/06_menu_translation.patch: updated
    - Catalan translation by Jordi Ivars <email address hidden> and 
      Jordi Mallach <email address hidden>
    - Czech translation by Ondrej Sury <email address hidden>
    - Greek translation by Kostas <email address hidden>
    - Malay translation by Hasbullah Bin Pit <email address hidden>
    - Spanish translation by Jordi Ivars <email address hidden>

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>  Tue, 19 Oct 2004 11:22:19 +0200
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