Comment 22 for bug 1872268

Revision history for this message
Fusion (bornolbers) wrote :

On my desktop it is ok (intel cpu/nvidia graphics).
On a laptop (intel cpu/intel graphics/xorg) fresh install happens with similar steps as Alan Pope described:
1. Drag two icons into a group
1,5. Notice (different from Alan's video) more dots on the right (as there were more pages with apps)
2. Click group title - rename group
3. Repeat the steps (it doesn't freeze always on the first time)
On about 4th time gnome freezes completely.

how not to freeze:
1. after you notice more than the correct dots on the right (app pages)
2. alt+f2 +r
3. group is renamed in place, dots are correct again
4. continue to grouping apps, but after dots became more, restart gnome or risk to freeze after a surprise number of grouping times