Comment 29 for bug 1341944

Revision history for this message
Reimar Döffinger (reimar-doeffinger) wrote :

I'd also like to add my voice on having someone look into it. All it should require is running grub-mkimage a second time with -o bootia32.efi -O i386-efi.
To summarize instructions found elsewhere to fix this yourself:
Install grub-efi-ia32-bin
Run something like (a bit unsure about which modules are actually needed):
grub-mkimage -o bootia32.efi -O i386-efi -p /EFI/BOOT ntfs hfs appleldr boot cat efi_gop efi_uga elf fat hfsplus iso9660 linux keylayouts memdisk minicmd part_apple ext2 extcmd xfs xnu part_bsd part_gpt search search_fs_file chain btrfs loadbios loadenv lvm minix minix2 reiserfs memrw mmap msdospart scsi loopback normal configfile gzio all_video efi_gop efi_uga gfxterm gettext echo boot chain eval ls test sleep png gfxmenu
Then somehow get the bootia32.efi on the boot media in the location where the bootx64.efi is located (normally under BOOT/EFI on some FAT16 partition).