Comment 34 for bug 268434

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Eduard Wulff (mail-eduard-wulff) wrote :

The workaround I found good at the time (see above) does not work with lucid anymore.

After skimming through the xrandr-links in this bugreport I tried some other workarounds.

This is what helps me under Kubuntu 10.04:

xrandr --output DP2 --mode 1920x1200

added as a desktop entry under systemsettings/autostart

When my Lenovo X200 is not docked this command gets ignored. When docked all is okay the way I want it (and it used to work under 9.04 and maybe some streaks of 9.10).

Krandr left my systemtray since I only clicked on it _once_ after EVERY start when docked.