Comment 3 for bug 258424

Revision history for this message
Chris Purves (chris-northfolk) wrote :

I was able to find out some more information about the problem I am having. I found that KlamAV modifies my crontab in order to run scheduled scans:

# KlamAV Scheduled Scan of /home/chris/
0 12 * * * /home/chris/.klamav/ '/home/chris/'
# KlamAV Scheduled Scan of /home/chris/
40 13 * * * /home/chris/.klamav/ '/home/chris/'

If I run one of those tasks manually with KlamAV open, the task won't run and I get the following:

chris@chris-laptop:~$ /home/chris/.klamav/ '/home/chris/'
cat: /home/chris/.DCOPserver_:0: No such file or directory
object '/usr/bin/dcop' in application 'is' not accessible
object not accessible

If I close KlamAV and try again, KlamAV opens and the scheduled scan begins. I still get some errors on the command line:

chris@chris-laptop:~$ /home/chris/.klamav/ '/home/chris/'
cat: /home/chris/.DCOPserver_:0: No such file or directory
object '/usr/bin/dcop' in application 'is' not accessible
object not accessible
kdecore (KProcess): WARNING: _attachPty() 19
kdecore (KProcess): WARNING: _attachPty() 21
LibClamAV Error: Database Directory: /var/lib/clamav not locked
QLayout "unnamed" added to Klamav "KlamAV ", which already has a layout