Comment 4 for bug 271598

Revision history for this message
Harald Sitter (apachelogger) wrote :

xdg-open follows the default setting of whatever desktop you are using. I.e. on KDE it will invoke kfmclient in order to access the default KDE webbrowser and on GNOME it will try to find out which browser to use AFAIK.

The thing with xdg-open is that it follows the mimetype as primary application indicator, so if the server is sending a PNG mimetype xdg-open will invoke the default application for PNGs, which appears to be the case when KImageEditor opened. If the URL was not leading to an image file you might want to try if it works properly with a new user.

BTW, the konversationrc goes to /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde-profile/default/share/config/