Comment 3 for bug 1468027

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Nobuto Murata (nobuto) wrote :

Hello tomoe_musashi,

I believe Noto Sans CJK is one of the best fonts available in free/libre licenses for Japanese. However I'm not convinced to set the Noto Sans CJK as default yet and I would like to know your motivations here.

> But for Chinese and Japanese community, i think that the answer is clear.
> noto-cjk is definitely better what we had before, like fonts- wqy and fonts-droid.

For Japanese locale, what makes you so confident when compared to fonts-takao, the current default font?

> Android community had received these complains for years, finally they got them fixed on lollipop.
> Fedora also set it as default chinese font start from F21.

Can you point to a link where the discussion happened in Fedora?

> and of course, i still hope that ubuntu could drop those 69-language-selector fontconfig files, just like what F13 did.

Can you explain a bit how F13 dropped the files? In Ubuntu, language-selector no longer manages fontconfig files. Instead font packages have fontconfig files, e.g. /etc/fonts/conf.avail/65-fonts-takao-pgothic.conf in fonts-takao-pgothic. Even with Noto Sans CJK I think we still need to choose font family name per locale such as "Noto Sans CJK JP" for ja_JP locale.