Comment 16 for bug 134285

Revision history for this message
bronto (mmarongiu) wrote : Re: (046d:0850) QuickCam Web doesn't work in Feisty and Gutsy


I have a quickcam, as well, and it doesn't work with Skype, but maybe I found a new clue. It's like Skype it's reading the image in YUV format, despite the "torgb" setting of the driver.

Let me explain this one better.

This is the ID of the cam:

root@cooper:~# lsusb | grep -i quick
Bus 002 Device 003: ID 046d:0850 Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Web

and this are the current settings:
root@cooper:~# qcset -i
Name : Logitech QuickCam USB
Type : capture subcapture
Channels : 1
Audio devices : 0
Maxsize : 356,292
Minsize : 32,32

Overlay coords: 0,0
Capture size : 356,292
Chromakey : 0
Flags :

Channel : 0
Name : Camera
Tuners : 0
Flags :
Type : camera
Norm : 47097

Brightness : 32768
Hue : 32768
Color : 32768
Contrast : 32768
Whiteness : 32768
Depth : 24
Palette : RGB888 packed into 24bit words.

root@cooper:~# for OPTION in debug qcdebug keepsettings settle subsample compress frameskip quality adaptive equalize userlut retryerrors compatible video_nr ; do echo -n "$OPTION: " ; qcset "${OPTION}?" ; done
debug: common
qcdebug: common
keepsettings: n
settle: 0
subsample: n
compress: n
frameskip: 0
quality: best
adaptive: y
equalize: n
userlut: -1208520159
retryerrors: y
compatible: torgb
video_nr: -1

Now, using gqcam, setting RGB in the preferences and pushing "Apply", the image is ok (files: "Screenshot-gqcam - Logitech QuickCam USB.png" and "Screenshot-gqcam.png"). If I select YUV instead, and press "Apply", the resulting image is pretty similar to what you get in other programs, e.g.: skype.

Note also that the wecam started misbehaving right after I switched from Debian testing to Ubuntu 7.04, nearly one year ago. The same webcam with the same driver and the same version of Skype worked flawlessly in Debian. The same thing happened to Wengophone, that worked ok with that webcam until I switched to Ubuntu.

I hope this information is useful to catch the problem.
