Comment 23 for bug 1013199

Revision history for this message
Chet Burgess (cfb-n) wrote :

It looks like this has something to do with iptables (even if there are no iptables rules).

While messing around with something else I tried disabling bridge track from passing through iptables and that seemed to fix the problem.

sysctl setting:

Unfortunately this isn't really an option in all cases as we (and OpenStack) rely on iptables in a number of places.

Working configuration (in addition to above):
sysctl net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables
net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables = 0

# Generated by iptables-save v1.4.12 on Thu Oct 4 01:31:25 2012
:INPUT ACCEPT [623:48985]
:OUTPUT ACCEPT [860:94775]
# Completed on Thu Oct 4 01:31:25 2012

What is the value of net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables in your environment?