Comment 7 for bug 1209124

Revision history for this message
John Wang (johnwang) wrote :


Our issue is distinct from this bug. I intend to file a bug upstream ( once I finish working out how the ASUS platform driver handles Bluetooth and I have a reasonable idea to whom the bug report should be directed. I'll post a link back here when that's done.

In the meantime, I've discovered the least intrusive (but still dirty) workaround yet:

1. In Unity's Bluetooth indicator, flip the "Bluetooth" toggle switch to "ON". Because of our bug, this causes the "hci0" Bluetooth device to be unregistered from the kernel's rfkill subsystem (see "rfkill list all").

2. In a terminal do "sudo rfkill block N", where N is the ID number of the remaining "asus-bluetooth" WMI device as given by "rfkill list all". (In my case it's "sudo rfkill block 2".) This causes the "hci0" device to be registered with rfkill again, and it will be soft-unblocked. In the Bluetooth indicator menu you should now see both "Bluetooth" and "Visible" toggled to "ON".

3. Connect Bluetooth devices normally, but be careful; *don't* manually flip the "Bluetooth" or "Visible" switches, whether in the Bluetooth indicator or in "System Settings -> Bluetooth", because that causes the "hci0" adapter to disappear again.