Comment 6 for bug 1560395

Revision history for this message
Matthew Willson (matthew-willson) wrote :

Any further backports would be gratefully received -- it looks like there's been a fair number of i915 and skylake-related commits recently.

In particular I've had a bunch of display issues with external screens with 16.04 on a Dell Precision 5510 (Skylake chipset), which are fixed after installing the latest 4.6-rc7 kernel, but not with 4.6-rc4.

They seem to be due to intel DRM issues, linked to this error:

[drm:intel_cpu_fifo_underrun_irq_handler [i915_bpo]] *ERROR* CPU pipe A FIFO underrun

Details in comments on the ticket, but I'm not the only one, and issues include:

- Laptop screen goes black when mouse moves into it, after hotplugging HDMI
- Blank screen on boot and/or resume with external screen plugged in