Comment 2 for bug 903897

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Leann Ogasawara (leannogasawara) wrote :

Hi Scott,

So for Precise, aufs has actually been disabled on purpose for all archs/flavors, hence the reason it's missing form -virtual. We are actually planning on dropping aufs completely for 12.04. This was discussed during the UDS-P Kernel delta review session. The reason we're planning on dropping aufs is for a number of reasons: 1) aufs is not upstream, and despite previous efforts from it's maintainer, it does not appear it will ever land upstream. 2) aufs is a large maintenance burden on the team due to the fact that it is not upstream. it didn't even build when we rebased to v3.2. 3) We've had support for overlayfs since Oneiric and are encouraging those to migrate to overlayfs instead. The installer has already transitioned to using overlayfs (which was done in Oneiric).

Based on the above, I'll go ahead and add overlayfs to the -virtual inclusion list. I'll also go ahead and add veth while I'm at it. However, I'm going to want some pretty compelling evidence for aufs. Thanks.