Comment 2 for bug 150480

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Björn Torkelsson (torkel) wrote : Re: Lirc should start earlier

I'm using my own login setup, which has worked for me a few years now with only minor modifications. I didn't have time to try u-m-f and/or mythbuntu when I did the upgrade last week andbecause as far as I could tell both u-m-f and mythbuntu assumes that you have both a mouse and a keyboard attached to the machine. I only hace a remote attached to the machine and I am doing every change to the configuration remote.

My ~mythtv/.xsession looks like:


#Set the background to black
xsetroot -solid black

/usr/bin/xset -dpms s off

#If we have mtd around (and not running), good idea to start it too
if ! `pgrep mtd>/dev/null`; then
    if [ -x /usr/bin/mtd ]; then
        /usr/bin/mtd -d
#check if irexec is needed, and start if need be
if [ -x /usr/bin/irexec ] && [ ! -f ~/.noirexec ] && [ -f ~/.lircrc ]; then
    if [ -n "$(cat ~/.lircrc | grep --invert-match "#" | grep irexec | grep prog)" ]
        killall irexec
        irexec -d

export QT_XFT=1
while /bin/true; do
        #mythfrontend -v osd,important,playback,general
        sleep 10

Any suggestions how to make it work with lirc? (Without adding a sleep :-))