Comment 11 for bug 182786

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dhcolesj (dhcolesj) wrote :

I guess since its obvious users aren't important here, so I guess I too will find a new distro. I guess I'll have to learn Gnome, that seems to be where more and more distros are headed anyway. Now I know why.

Its absolutely ludicrous to move Kubuntu to KDE 4 knowing that everyone who used it thinks its pretty, is the start of something great, but it is NOT ready for prime time. If Canonical wants to kill off Kubuntu they found a great way to do it. Give them a desktop that is unusable, unconfigurable, and unstable. The whole idea that 3.5.x will not be supportable is a lie, as many others have said. If you actually believe that argument then NO kernel will be supportable, and no other Linux software as fast as development happens. The whole Idea of a Linux distro lasting 2 years is a joke by that standard. If Canonical wants to pretend to want to get into the Data Center or on Corporate Desktops they have to quit trying to fool people who know better. They might also quit treating KDE or whatever other desktop as a ugly stepchild, and just kill it if they don't want it.

I think Debian will be my destination of choice, maybe Sidux, or some other Debian derivative.

Oh, and this "upstream dictates" thing is crap and you know it. Debian is upstream to Ubuntu, and yet Ubuntu ships Firefox, not "ice weasel". Why is that if Upstream dictates? Upstream and downstream are just ways to describe a relationship not a dictatorship.