Comment 4 for bug 1946969

Revision history for this message
Mitsuya Shibata (cosmos-door) wrote :

> 4. restart IBus automatically when log in

More simple, but identical workaround:

cat <<'EOF' | sudo tee /etc/xdg/autostart/launch-xwayland.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Launch XWayland on startup
Exec=sh -c 'if [ "x$XDG_SESSION_TYPE" = "xwayland" ] ; then xrefresh; fi'

* xrefresh just refresh X screen.
* if there is no ibus, this command will startup xwayland and refresh screen only.
* if there is ibus, Mutter will startup XWayland and GNOME Shell restart ibus-daemon with --xim option
* at the moment, Mutter doesn't remove xwayland even if all x11 apps exited.