Comment 18 for bug 139875

Revision history for this message
tingo (ubuntu-tingo) wrote :

I have searched the internet for a solution of that before subscribed problem.
In my case
  >sudo chmod +r `locate .ttf|grep -i "ttf$"
solved the problem. Thanx to you all (to unix cracks... is there a better solution)

It was the rights of maybe some ttf-files. But I can't tell which one it was, because I've run the command first. :(

Maybe another user can post the difference (just guessing the commands)
 > ls -l `locate .ttf|grep -i "ttf$" >> ttf-files.before.log
 > sudo chmod +r `locate .ttf|grep -i "ttf$"
 > ls -l `locate .ttf|grep -i "ttf$" >> ttf-files.after.log
 > diff ttf-files.before.log ttf-files.after.log
and paste the difference here.