Comment 18 for bug 1733032

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Jonathan Kamens (jik) wrote : Re: touchpad disable while typing, disable tap-to-click don't work in 17.10

Logging into Ubuntu (i.e., not "Ubuntu on Xorg"), the "Disable While Typing" Touchpad setting in gnome-tweak-tool now appears to work. Furthermore, tapping to click does _not_ work, i.e., the behavior I want is present by default as far as I can tell. In fact, I can't figure out any way to cause tapping the touchpad to generate a click. So either the behavior has changed in an update since I reported this bug, or I was using Xorg but thought I was using Wayland.

Logging into Ubuntu on Xorg, without anything special in any of my X server config files, the "Disable While Typing" setting in gnome-tweak-tool doesn't do anything, and tap to click is enabled and there's no way I can find to disable it. So that appears to be a bug in GNOME, not a bug in libinput. There should be a way to disable tap to click, and the "Disable While Typing" setting should be obeyed. If it's not, then I believe that means GNOME isn't populating that setting through to the X server the way it needs to be, which doesn't sound like a libinput bug.

Logging into Ubuntu on Xorg, these lines added to the "libinput touchpad catchall" section of /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/40-libinput.conf appear to have no effect, even though Xorg.0.log confirms that section is being applied:

    Option "Tapping" "false"
    Option "DisableWhileTyping" "true"
    Option "PalmDetection" "true"

Perhaps this is a libinput bug, or perhaps the synaptics sections that are being applied to the device after the libinput sections are overriding the libinput settings?

Again logging into Ubuntu on Xorg, if I add this to my X config then tap to click is gone and it seems like there is _some_ protection against brushing against the trackpad, although there still isn't full disable by typing:

    Section "InputClass"
      Identifier "disable touchpad tap to click, enable palm detection"
      Driver "synaptics"
      MatchIsTouchpad "on"
      MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"
      Option "MaxTapTime" "0"
      Option "PalmDetect" "on"

So, the potential issues that _I_ see here are that the Disable While Typing setting does not work in "Ubuntu on Xorg", and that the libinput options I'm configuring into my X server don't appear to take effect. Should I indeed open a libinput bug about that, or re-open the bug I opened and closed but clarify in the re-opened bug that it only applies to Xorg, not to Wayland?