Comment 25 for bug 1435823

Revision history for this message
Paride Legovini (paride) wrote :

Hello gene,

I doubt the problem you are observing is related to the issue described in this report. In this bug description the failure mode is:

mar 24 08:41:00 luca-k53sd mysqld_safe[951]: mkdir: impossibile creare la directory "/var/run/mysqld": Permesso negato
mar 24 08:41:00 luca-k53sd mysqld_safe[951]: chown: impossibile accedere a "/var/run/mysqld": File o directory non esistente

where the errors are "Permission denied" and "No such file or directory". This doesn't happen in your case, what happens is that systemd can't start the service and cleans up the tmp directory after giving up.

Anyway if you are still convinced you are hitting this problem again please file a separate report for mysql 5.7, as this one is specifically for version 5.6. See Robie's comments above. Thanks!