Comment 2 for bug 20933

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Lesmond74 (lesmond74) wrote :

In reply to your email - "Thanks for your bug. Do you have some simple steps to
do giving a such issue?
I'm not sure to understand what you do exactly to get the corruption. What
version of Ubuntu do you use? Do you use nautilus only when getting the issue?"

I'm not using Ubuntu anymore (switched to Debian Testing recently) but the
problem I described occurred in Ubuntu Hoary and, as far as I can remember, only
with the Nautilus file manager. Try doing these steps -

1. Copy a directory containing, say, 50 audio files from CD/DVD to your hard
drive. Because they came from a write-protected medium (CD/DVD) they should all
be write-protected on your hard drive (in other words, all '555' I think). If
you look at them in Nautilus there should be a lock or other symbol (depending
on your icon theme) on top of the folder and each file to indicate this.

2. Now try doing 'chmod 644 -R ' on this directory to make it writable for you
as user/owner of these files.

3. Watch the terminal output - there will likely be a whole bunch of errors
relating to permissions listed.

4. Now go into your directory using Nautilus. Instead of the speaker icon for
each of the files you should see the gnome foot icon, indicating an unspecified
file type. This is because the directory and all that it contains became
corrupted in the 'chmod' operation. You will not be able to do anything with
this directory other than delete it using 'sudo rm -R'.

Of course, this problem may not be specific to Nautilus. I just guessed it might
be because Nautilus is the default/only file manager used in Ubuntu. Either way,
a whole directory shouldn't be destroyed by such a simple and standard Linux
operation as changing permissions.

I hope this further info helps you along. Unfortunately I won't be able to
provide anything else since I'm using Debian now (with a lightweight setup based
around xfce4 and which doesn't use Nautilus).

THanks again.