Comment 1 for bug 1027

Revision history for this message
John Clarke (jrc61) wrote :

Tonight I rebuilt nedit-5.5 with openmotif (libmotif-dev) instead of lesstif (lesstif2-dev). This new version seems not to have the bugs I reported earlier. It looks like the bugs are not due to nedit itself but rather are due to lesstif.

There is one minor problem with openmotif. Depending upon the value of $LANG, I get various "locale not supported" messages on startup.

If LANG="en_AU.UTF-8", it says "locale UTF8 not supported" and prints lots of messages like this when I try to open a file (but it doesn't crash):

    Name: FilterText
    Class: XmTextField
    Character '\143' not supported in font. Discarded.

If LANG="en_AU", it says "locale not supported by C library, locale unchanged", but that's all.

If LANG is unset, there are no messages and it *appears* to work perfectly. I haven't done enough to be sure it's OK, but so far it looks good.