Comment 5 for bug 132473

Revision history for this message
Basilio Kublik (sourcercito) wrote :

Yup, still the same, every reboot/reconnection i have to manually configure the access point. i'll attach the syslog output when i first login and other when i force the use of the access point configuring it again with the same settings saved in gconf previously.

gconftool-2 -a /system/networking/wireless/networks/Mordor
 bssids = [00:18:39:7A:E3:70]
 essid = Mordor
 wpa_psk_key_mgt = 2
 wpa_eap_key_mgt = 1
 wpa_psk_wpa_version = 2
 timestamp = 1189181546
 we_cipher = 32
 wpa_eap_key_type = 0
 wpa_eap_private_key_file = /etc/wpa_supplicant/certs/cert-clt.p12
 wpa_eap_phase2_type = 0
 wpa_eap_ca_cert_file = /etc/wpa_supplicant/certs/cacert.pem
 wpa_eap_eap_method = 32
 wpa_eap_wpa_version = 4
 wpa_eap_identity = <email address hidden>