Comment 23 for bug 1662860

Revision history for this message
Thomas Tanner (tomtanner) wrote :

The proper solution would be to not install, as it is the deprecated non-GLVND implementation. The workaround is therefore to delete

rm /usr/{lib,lib32}/nvidia-375/

Excerpt from the nvidia documentation:

"OpenGL applications do not work with driver version 364.xx and later, which worked with previous driver versions

Release 361 of the NVIDIA Linux driver introduced OpenGL libraries built upon the libglvnd (GL Vendor Neutral Dispatch) architecture, to allow for the coexistence of multiple OpenGL implementations on the same system. The .run installer package includes both GLVND and non-GLVND GLX client libraries, and beginning with release 364, the GLVND libraries are installed by default.

By design, GLVND conforms with the Linux OpenGL ABI version 1.0 as defined at and exposes all required entry points; however, applications which depend upon specifics of the NVIDIA OpenGL implementation which fall outside of the OpenGL ABI may be incompatible with a GLVND-based OpenGL implementation.

If you encounter an application which is incompatible with GLVND, you may install a legacy, non-GLVND GLX client library by adding the --no-glvnd-glx-client to the nvidia-installer command line at installation time. Please contact the application vendor to inform them that their application will need to be updated to ensure compatibility with GLVND."