Comment 4 for bug 512493

Revision history for this message
Amael (amael) wrote :


I can confirm this bug in Ubuntu Natty 11.04. Also had it in Ubuntu Maverick 10.10.

Steps to reproduce :
- launch a movie with Totem
- change the brightness setting in Totem preferences
- quit totem

- launch the same movie with vlc
  -> the brightness will be the same configured in Totem
- launch nvidia-settings -l in a terminal
  -> brightness is back to system default, and the movie playing in vlc will be affected by this change
- quit vlc

- launch the movie with totem
  -> brightness back to totem settings
- launch nvidia-settings -l in a terminal
  -> brightness is back to system default, and the movie playing in totem will be affected by this change

Somehow, it seems like launching totem or nvidia settings resets the settings of the other one.