Comment 117 for bug 568050

Revision history for this message
Charles Hill (lostinarmy) wrote :

I'm very new to linux but I've found a work around that will probably seem pretty amateurish and potentially amusing but it has allowed me to dual boot win7 and Kubuntu 64 10.04 on my m17x with nvidia fakeraid0 (dual 500), after several failed attempts.
I initially created three partitions. I then installed using WUBI with the intention of then downloading LVPM. LVPM transfered it to the desired partition without a hitch. I then rebooted and, after some more frustration, installed dmraid, mounted the other partitions(sudo mount /dev/mapper/nvidia_whatever /createdPath), and updated my fstab file. I understand this is not the best solution but it worked in a pinch, I didn't lose any data, and my fakeraid is still intact.