Comment 41 for bug 87063

Revision history for this message
Seth.Griffin (sgriffin) wrote :


I feel that this is still an issue that needs to be addressed with a package addition. The php5-sybase package is not sufficient as it is meant to handle sybase and not Microsoft SQL Server databases.

When using php5-sybase to query ntext data (unicode text) Microsoft SQL Server 2000 says:

"Unicode data in a Unicode-only collation or ntext data cannot be sent to clients using DB-Library (such as ISQL) or ODBC version 3.7 or earlier."

After reconfiguring and building the libapache2-mod-php5 package with mssql everything works fine.

If this is a freetds issue, note that the freetds-dev package source debian/rules is configuring freetds to be built to tdsver 4.2. It has been my experience that Microsoft SQL Server 2000 works well with tdsver 8.0.

If Sybase works with tdsver 8.0, then distributing a freetds-dev package built with tdsver=8.0 might solve this problem.

I am willing to help you guys get more information on this to prove that this is an issue that needs attention.

Let me know how I can help, and let's stick to the facts.
