Comment 35 for bug 334122

Revision history for this message
Flemming Bjerke (flem) wrote :

Same same, but different.

I have an asus eee900 with eeeubuntu, i.e. gnome. Huawei e220 works fine with nm-applet and nm-system-settings. I have an hp 550 with kubuntu. Huawei e220 does not work. Not even when I remove knetworkmanager and network plasma-widget, and then install nm-applet and nm-system-settings.

nm-applet started from a console says: .... activate_connection_cb(): Connection activation failed: Connection was not provided by any settings service.

Doesn't this suggest that it is neither knetworkmanager nor network plasma-widget that fails, but something else with kde's network handling? Could kde interfere with the modem call sequences.

I will install gnome on my hp550 to see if it works when I switch to a gnome desktop.