Comment 6 for bug 803739

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Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre (cyphermox) wrote :

I can somewhat reproduce this on my system, except the device that comes up early is (more expectedly than wlan0) eth0. All interfaces but that one do get the right value set for use_tempaddr; and there seems to be something fishy going on when setting these values in sysctl anyway: net.ipv6.conf.all.use_tempaddr doesn't affect all the interfaces directly as it seems it should, nor does it override the behaviour at all.

I sent an email to linux-netdev regarding this matter:

As a workaround I guess we might want to set some of these things in initramfs (althought there are some cases where we want to not have an initramfs, then we're still stuck), or somehow in udev; until this is clarified and fixed in the kernel.