Comment 13 for bug 2001699

Revision history for this message
Nick Galanis (nickgalanis) wrote :

I reviewed pydantic 1.10.13-0ubuntu1 as checked into noble. This shouldn't be
considered a full audit but rather a quick gauge of maintainability.

pydantic is a fast and extensible data validation and settings management
library in python. It can be combined with popular IDEs and linters, and its
powered by type hints, making its use easy.

- CVE History
 - CVE-2021-29510 (7.5 CVSS, high)
   - fixed with backports in multiple versions (1.8.2, 1.7.4, 1.6.2)
   - fixed and immediately reviewed by upstream
   - tests provided as PoC for vulnerability
 - CVE-2020-10735 (7.5 CVSS, high)
   - python vulnerability that was affecting the package
   - patched immediately by upstream when made public by python
   - tests provided as PoC for vulnerability
- Build-Depends
 - default and widely-used python libraries, all in main
- pre/post inst/rm scripts
 - prerm script: backported from dh_python, secure
 - postinst script: backported from dh_python, secure
- init scripts
 - none
- systemd units
 - none
- dbus services
 - none
- setuid binaries
 - none
   - no binaries in general: python package
- binaries in PATH
 - none
- sudo fragments
 - none
- polkit files
 - none
- udev rules
 - none
- unit tests / autopkgtests
 - no autopkgtests available. Unittesting with standard python, good and clear
testing process during build. Good coverage of code and functions. New tests
are added for new functionality by upstream, and were added as PoC for
CVE-2021-29510 during its fix, suggesting the same will happen with future CVEs.
- cron jobs
 - none
- Build logs
 - (warning) SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning: install is deprecated.
 - no other errors/warnings, build runs successfully
- Processes spawned
 - none
   - only in docs, does not involve user input, thus not vulnerable to shell
- Memory management
 - safe
   - python package, not using low level memory management
- File IO
 - mostly in tests/docs
 - when in default functionality of a program, done mostly through python and
do not involve user input
- Logging
 - mostly in tests and docs.
 - when in main functionality, done with caution, while using python
(high-level memory management).
- Environment variable usage
 - only in tests, and setup, not exploitable during runtime, or exploiting
them would require already high privileges by attacker
- Use of privileged functions
 - none
- Use of cryptography / random number sources etc
 - does not involve network communications or encryption
 - sensitive data is handled by masking, ensuring that it is not exposed in
logs / error messages. There is no encryption provided for those passwords, but
they are not stored permanently
 - no SSL/TLS operations
- Use of temp files
 - none
- Use of networking
 - mostly used to assist in testing
 - the ones in main functionality take input from trusted sources, no unsafe
input found
- Use of WebKit
 - only in docs, safe
- Use of PolicyKit
 - none

- Any significant cppcheck results
 - none (not supported)
- Any significant Coverity results
 - none
   - possible DOM-based XSS found in docs, communicated with upstream.
   (waiting on response by them). Issue was fixed in later version,
   as code was deleted
- Any significant shellcheck results
 - none (not supported)
- Any significant bandit results
 - none.
   - most results in docs/tests, do not involve user input
- Any significant govulncheck results
 - none (not supported)
- Any significant Semgrep results
 - none

No significant security findings during scanning the code, Github repo has
security policy and easy ways to communicate vulnerabilities with upstream.
Code is being continuously maintained and issues are fixed quickly, including
the one vulnerability with an assigned CVE that was found in 2021. Overall,
good quality and clarity of code and good testing, elements that will make
the patching and backport of possible future vulnerabilities feasible.

Security team ACK for promoting pydantic to main.