Comment 2 for bug 196304

Revision history for this message
Basilio Kublik (sourcercito) wrote :

Hi Tom
Thank you for taking the time to report this bug and helping to make Ubuntu better. Do you by any chance have a ".crash" file related to rhythmbox at /var/crash directory?, if so could you please follow these instuctions to have apport report a new bug about your crash that can be dealt with by the automatic retarcer.

If you are using Ubuntu with the Gnome desktop environment - launch nautilus and navigate to your /var/crash directory and double click on the crash report you wish to submit.
If you are using Kubuntu or Xubuntu you can file the crash using "/usr/share/apport/apport-qt --crash-file=/var/crash/_my_crash_report.crash" in a terminal - where _my_crash_report.crash is the crash you would like to report.

If you indeed have that file and follow the instructions please, report back here, so we can close this bug report and work on the other one.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation and understanding.